Soviet Zulu V Class B-80 Submarine in the Amsterdam harbour

A few months ago, I learned that there was an old Soviet submarine parked on the north side of the Amsterdam harbour. There is actually a ferry that takes you from the back of Amsterdam Centraal Station right next to it 10 short minutes later. Apparently it was bought to be a party venue of some sort, but never really made it. Now it sits there until they (whoever they are) figure out what to do with it. It's a bit of a surreal scene to see an old Soviet submarine just sitting there.This photo was made from the side of the harbour where you get out of the ferry, looking south towards Amsterdam. Right behind, there is a pretty awesome restaurant which is particularly good for breakfast type eats. This area of Amsterdam Noord is worth exploring, as there are many spaces being repurposed as living spaces, galleries, artist studios, etc from the old harbour buildings.I made about 5 different exposures of this scene. It turns out that the sub moves, so anything over 30 seconds starts to make the submarine very blurry. As such, i think this exposure turned out to be the most useful one. I used two filters here. One is my beloved B+W 10 stop ND, and the other a Lee 0.9 hard grad to darken the sky. In post, I further darkened the sky, and lightened the water to give it more contrast using curves layers with gradients as masks. The initial black and white conversion was done with Nik's Silver Efex Pro 2. Hope you like it.