Paris, The Eiffel Tower (Tour Eiffel) IV

Wasn't quite sure if I should continue with these series after all of the hoopla over my last post, but yes. Let's stick with it shall we?This is the last in the series, even if it is called 'IV'. After living with these for a little while, 'III' does not offer anything different then what I've already shown, nor does it add anything new. 'IV' is also a more common perspective of the Eiffel Tower, but I like the way it turned out. I was hoping to catch the spinning light ray from the very top, but wasn't able to in a successful way, as such my original idea did not materialize. This was taken about 20 minutes after the last image I posted, much deeper into blue hour, but also pretty much covered in cloud. As I mentioned before, there was as serious downpour shortly after this.Processing wise, pretty straight forward. Just 2 curves in photoshop for contrast, and some straightening.With this, I think I'm done with the Eiffel Tower for a while :) Hope you enjoy it.